Arts + CultureLIFESTYLEWellness + HealingReadings By Simone Is Creating Space For Us To Honor Our AncestorsNantale MuwongeSeptember 1, 2022September 1, 2022 by Nantale MuwongeSeptember 1, 2022September 1, 202211268 Simone Arthur first started to come into her spiritual gifts in her mid-twenties. She recalls this being the toughest period in her life. She was...
LIFESTYLEWellness + Healing5 Harm Reduction Strategies To Avoid Entrepreneur BurnoutNantale MuwongeMay 20, 2022June 16, 2022 by Nantale MuwongeMay 20, 2022June 16, 20222 1026 I love grinding. There’s something about pushing myself past the point of exhaustion in order to produce something great that just feels good to me....
LIFESTYLEWellness + HealingGet In Nature Sis. Let’s Talk Grounding.Brooke SandersMay 11, 2022June 16, 2022 by Brooke SandersMay 11, 2022June 16, 20221835 In this season of spiritual wellness, I’ve learned that connecting with nature is directly tied into the love for self. When you take care of...