In this season of spiritual wellness, I’ve learned that connecting with nature is directly tied into the love for self. When you take care of nature, in-turn, nature will take care of you. When I’m feeling extremely overwhelmed, I will turn on meditation music and spend a moment or two under the sun.
As a Black Woman, self-care can come off as a luxury, however it is a necessity for one’s well-being. There has been a conditioning to believe that if for a moment we prioritize our mental or spiritual wellness, that everything will collapse, and that is simply not true.
One of the ways that space is created to simply just be is the art of grounding. In the spiritual community, grounding is a way to connect with Mother Nature and release any tension that may linger in your body.
Grounding is simple.
Grab a bottle of water, kick your shoes off, and stand outside barefoot. That’s right, barefoot!

Initially, I was very reserved about this practice because I am not a fan of bugs. The more I started to stand outside barefoot for 15-20 minutes in the grass, the more I realized that critters don’t bother you, and energetically you release a lot of tension.
The next time you have a moment, take those toes outside sis! Think of everything you need to release in that moment, say it out loud, and just be.
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[…] your breaks, set the events to DND, and actually take the breaks. Bonus points for fully switching off by doing something like soaking in a hot […]