Meet Philicia Wallace of Slaying Self Doubt™

Meet Philicia Wallace, the founder Slaying Self Doubt™, LLC, Purpose Empowerment Coach, and host of the Slaying Self Doubt™ Podcast. She created Slaying Self Doubt™ as a movement to empower Black Women to overcome their doubts, fears, and insecurities in order to walk into their purpose.

For Women’s History Month, BlkWomenHustle® had the opportunity to interview Philicia to learn more about her story.

BWH: Philicia, tell us a little about yourself and your brand.

Philicia: I am a wife of 7 years and mom of 2 tween boys, so y’all pray for me. I was born in Washington, DC, and raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland. When I am not out her empowering women, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I am a sucker for brunch with cute drinks, and even chilling at home watching my shows with a glass of red wine.

My brand is so personal to me because God gave me this phrase, then this business to show me that in spite of my own insecurities and limiting beliefs, I am slaying my own self-doubt every single day! My purpose is to show other Black Women who struggle with self-doubt, that they are not alone and we will still do exactly what God has called us to do.

BWH: We all have our own stories as entrepreneurs. Tell us yours, how did it all begin for you?

Philicia: Picture it PG County, Maryland 2017, lol… I was dealing with some personal trials, health issues, and professional frustrations. I had this feeling in my spirit that I was destined for more but it felt so far out of reach. I became more intentional about my relationship with God, so I started journaling my feelings and thoughts. Through journaling, I started to see that the common denominator was me in all of my situations. Understanding that my situation wasn’t going to just change, I started asking God to ‘Show me, ME!’ I prayed that every day and watched how God had me show up differently in my career, marriage, and other relationships.

By the end of 2017, God had given me the vision to help women push past their doubts and fears and the name Slaying Self Doubt™. In February 2018, while sitting in my office, I heard God say, “It’s time to go!” That moment changed my life forever, it was literally the beginning of my rebirth. Over the next year and a half, my family and I prepared for the next move, which was me leaving my career to pursue my purpose. In June 2019, I took a HUGE LEAP of faith and resigned from my career of over 15 years to walk into my God-given purpose. After leaving my 9-5, I was able to put all my energy, time, and soul into Slaying Self Doubt™.

Philicia Wallace Photographed by Amber Iris Photo
Philicia Wallace Photographed by Amber Iris Photo

BWH: Out of all that you’re accomplishing, what do you love most?

Philicia: There are two things that I love about what I do. First, is the interviews that I am able to do with other amazing Black women on my podcast in a series called The Journey Behind the Business™. This series is where my guests share their own self-doubt journey and how far they have come. Hearing their stories give me inspiration and motivation to keep going, I am grateful that they trust me with their stories. Secondly, are the transformations and “AHA moments” that my clients have when they recognize the insecurity that is holding them back and then how to navigate through. In those moments, I feel so proud but also reminded that God called me to this assignment for this very purpose. I say often, ‘Our obedience is connected to someone, somewhere.” and I am happy that I was obedient.

BWH: Only we know how it feels to be us, but for you, what has it been like in your industry? How has being a Black Woman in your industry affected your business decisions?

Philicia: At the beginning of my journey, I knew that what I was doing was going to be different, because it was an assignment from God for a specific group of people. I remember a situation when I first started podcasting, a caucasian woman slid into my DM’s to ask ‘if she wasn’t Black would she still get something from the podcast?’

I remember thinking, ‘girl, I don’t know’ (laughs)

But at that moment I started to doubt if I should specifically say this movement was for Black Women. I spent almost a year changing the verbiage of my business because of that one question. It wasn’t until the summer of 2020 in the midst of all the social and racial injustices that I had a come to Jesus moment with myself and said this is what God said and no one can change that. I decided to show up in this space talking to Black Women about God, therapy, and self-doubt! Making that decision immediately changed the trajectory of my business because Black women who needed to hear my voice knew without a doubt that I was talking to them and showing up for them. It also allowed me to be my most authentic and vulnerable self.

BWH: So tell us, when Black Women come to your brand, what can they expect?

Philicia: Black Women can expect that I will always show up for them in every space and situation that Slaying Self Doubt™ is in. I will always use my voice and platform to talk about the hard things to my best ability. Everything I do will always be in alignment with God’s purpose! I have no problem with telling you something is not my ministry but I will do my best to connect you with what you need. I am committed to helping you find your fears and SLAY them!

Women attend Slaying Self Doubt event. Source: Philicia Wallace
Women attend Slaying Self Doubt event. Source: Philicia Wallace

BWH: What’s next for Slaying Self Doubt™?

Philicia: Slaying Self Doubt™ is working on a few things, first, we are working on creating a safe & brave community for Black Women to empower, encourage, and influence each other. Next is the Slaying Self Doubt™ group coaching program. I am in the process of revamping it now. We work better in a community, so that is the initiative for 2022. To make sure you stay in the know join the newsletter at

BWH: Okay, last question. What are the words you tell yourself to keep going and slay your own self-doubt?

Philicia: Judges 6:14 says “ Go with the strength you have… I am sending you!” That verse is my daily reminder that God has already equipped me with everything that I need. I start every day knowing that I am Slaying Self Doubt!

Lead Photo by Amber Iris Photo

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