For three decades, Raquel Riley Thomas has led her life with leadership, adaptability, and unwavering determination at the forefront. From the battlefield to the red...
Life was no crystal stair for Juanita Banks-Whittington, but the climb has changed the lives of thousands through literature. The Diverse Children’s Books Matter founder...
Saria Hawkins-Banda is the mastermind behind Manifest Your Purpose, a luxury stationery brand that celebrates the beauty and multidimensionality of Black Women. Much like a...
Informed consent is a fundamental human right that empowers us to make decisions about our bodies, well-being and lives. Black women’s autonomy and informed consent...
Clinical research, often depicted as an unyielding terrain for underrepresented demographics, is experiencing seismic shifts courtesy of Black Women in Clinical Research® (BWICR). A movement...