BUSINESSEMerging BrandsWomen's EmpowermentNaChé Cosmetics Diversifies The Beauty Industry With Makeup For Darker Skin TonesLashawn DreherOctober 12, 2023October 12, 2023 by Lashawn DreherOctober 12, 2023October 12, 202302269 It’s often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In the case of this cosmetics company, the beholder is a Black Woman...
BUSINESSEMerging BrandsWomen's EmpowermentLocked and Loaded: Chicks with Triggers™ Leads The Charge For Women’s Firearms ProtectionEMOIR EditorsSeptember 24, 2023October 8, 2023 by EMOIR EditorsSeptember 24, 2023October 8, 202301831 In a world full of cautionary tales, where women are often advised to keep their guards up, one Black Woman is rewriting the script with...
BUSINESSEMerging BrandsThe Women Behind The Beauty Genie Are Putting Black Girl Magic Into Their Beauty Vending Machine EmpireEMOIR EditorsJuly 31, 2023May 21, 2024 by EMOIR EditorsJuly 31, 2023May 21, 202401476 Who says you can’t buy hair gel on campus just before chemistry class? The Black Women behind empowering brand The Beauty Genie are granting wishes...
BUSINESSEMerging BrandsParentingMI Creations Diaper Co. Develops Eco-Friendly Products for InfantsEMOIR EditorsFebruary 7, 2023February 7, 2023 by EMOIR EditorsFebruary 7, 2023February 7, 20231815 Did you know that infants use around 2,000 disposable diapers in their first year? With the rising costs of baby necessities, parents can spend well...
BUSINESSCuisine + SpiritsEMerging BrandsDivine Libations and Their Crystal-Infused Wines Are Changing The GameNantale MuwongeSeptember 18, 2022September 18, 2022 by Nantale MuwongeSeptember 18, 2022September 18, 202201857 If you’re intentional about what you put into your body, but you still like to get a lil’ lit sometimes, then you need to know...